Joseph Lim

A Systems Design Engineering student at the University of Waterloo with a keen interest in Data Science and Machine Learning

K-pop Song Recommender

This project was designed to delve into the intricacies of K-pop music by extracting song features from a range of K-pop artists to construct a Content-Based Recommendation System. Utilizing the Spotify API, a robust data pipeline was developed to gather the necessary information, forming a comprehensive dataset. The recommendation engine was then crafted, applying principles of linear algebra to generate and present top song suggestions to users based on their song preferences.

NBA Data Analysis

This project focused on conducting a multifaceted analysis and creating dynamic visualizations of NBA data, accessed through an NBA API. The project involved meticulous data wrangling, in-depth exploration, and the strategic use of tools including SQL, Python, and Looker. A significant component was the integration of machine learning, where an LSTM model was developed and trained using PyTorch to predict upcoming NBA season averages, drawing on four decades of historical data.

Covid 19 Data Exploration

Wrangled COVID-19 data, used SQL to perform exploratory data analysis, and created an interactive Tableau dashboard that visualizes the insights discovered.

NBA Stats Dashboard

An NBA stats dashboard created in Tableau that displays NBA stats leaders on a per game basis, and also various team standings.